We have been closely monitoring the information NAR is releasing regarding the recent resignation of NAR President Kenny Parcell. On Tuesday, NAR President-Elect Tracy Kasper announced that she will step into the President role effective immediately.
Following the release of the New York Times article, Kasper penned a message to NAR members in which she addressed the issues brought forward in the article. She also shared some of NAR’s policies and announced the creation of an advisory group focused on NAR’s culture. This message also includes the following key points:
The allegations in the article are very concerning, and NAR takes this very seriously. NAR is committed to providing a productive and welcoming environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
NAR maintains several policies designed to deter and detect inappropriate and unlawful conduct and conducts regular anti-harassment trainings with its staff and key leadership. For more information about all we do, you can go to: www.nar.realtor/about-nar/our-commitment-to-fostering-a-respectful-workplace. Additionally, NAR initiated a Culture Presidential Advisory Group to take a closer look at everything we're doing and what more we could be doing.
Also know that NAR fully investigates complaints brought to our attention.
While Texas REALTORS® can’t speak to the facts, processes or outcomes of this specific situation, we can reiterate to all that Texas REALTORS® continues to be fully committed to providing a professional and respectful environment for its members and staff. We work tirelessly to make sure all are aware of the standards, policies and processes throughout our organization and understand that our work is never done in terms of education, awareness, and transparency.
Committee members and our governing body agrees to abide by several policies and guidelines for conduct, including harassment. Executive Board members, including the Leadership Team, sign these policies in December every year. In addition, attendees who register for Texas REALTORS® meetings via CVENT agree to a code of conduct. Finally, any member or employee may report inappropriate behavior at any time by alerting executive staff, or by filing a complaint using the online complaint form found here.
A copy of the Texas REALTORS® Employee Handbook, which includes our policy against inappropriate behavior is available in the Key Resources section of the Bulletin. You can help us create a safe and respectful environment by reporting violations and concerns. As mentioned before, this is an ongoing effort to which we must all commit.